Saturday, May 30, 2009

Winner of the Brain Teaser

Stephanie won the brain teaser!Hoary!Congratulations!The answer was long underwear because long was under wear.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Sorry about the misspellings on the poll. I was in a rush and didn't check my spelling.And I am just a born-bad speller.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finish the sentence

Okay I will wright a sentence then another half sentence and you have to finish my sentence.The end of the sentence doesn't have to make sense.It can be anything.Here is my sentence:Over the summer we like to go swimming.We go swimming in ..........Now you finish the sentence!

Brain Teaser

I have a brain teaser for you.You have to figure out what the word is by the words and were they are placed Here it is.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Good Books?

I'm not reading any books now:( Any suggestions?Well I was reading Kira-Kira but I had to return it to the library.(I only had 30 pages left)If you have any suggestions put them in the comment box.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Dog Blog

Okay,I am doing a new section called my dog blog.I will write/type about a dog and what funny things he does.I also have another part for my dog-loving bloggers,in the comment box you can write funny things that your dog does.If you don't have a dog you can write about someone else's dog or make up a dog.Mine will be made up.This is in a dog's point of view.
I woke up this morning to my owner yelling.I slowly got up to see what she was yelling at.When I went into the kitchen she was yelling at a small metal dish.She was yelling,"DUMB PANCAKES!!!!WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BURN?!WHY?WHY?WWHHYYY??NOW I'LL BE LATE FOR MY MEETING!AND I'LL HAVE TO GO WITHOUT BREAKFAST!"She rubbed me behind my ears,my favorite spot to be rubbed.Then she told me to be a good dog(she doesn't have to,I always am.)When she left I went outside.I have seen her pick flowers and I knew she liked them,so I started to dig.When I thought I had enough flowers I put them in a pile on the step.I was pretty tired from all the digging,so I went inside to rest till my owner comes home.I took the flowers with me.When my owner came instead of thanking me she yelled at me for tracking mud into the house.I don't see what the big deal is I got her some flowers and I made the ugly carpet look a little better.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Okay, I have a contest for you.Think of the craziest poem and put it in the comment box and I will pick the best one.Sound good?Okay start typing!

Pure Dead Wicked

I am going to do do a review (like I said I would before). The book I will review is Pure Dead Wicked.It was a great book.It was about a family who lived in a really old house when the roof collapses.They are forced to stay at a hotel.Oh,and did I mention they have a pet crocodile,a yeti,a dragon,and a griffin that have to stay at the hotel too. There are some pretty weird things that happen such as the boy accidentally makes 500 tiny pink clones. There is even more,but you will have to read it to find out.
It is 211 pages long and around a sixth grade reading level.My rating would be about an 7 or 8.I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Welcome To my Blog

Hi,it's Abby typing.This is my blog ,where I can type stuff for you to read,maybe do some reviews on books,movies,ect.I hope you like it,if you don't tell me what you do like.