Saturday, September 26, 2009

QUICK!What color are your socks don't look!

My Rainbow

purple purple purple
blue blue blue blue
green green green
red red red red
orange orange
yellow yellow

Change is good,right?

So you might have noticed that I changed the name of my blog and changed the background.I want to know if you like it! So vote up in the top corner!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Title??

Should I change the name of my blog???Abby Rocks the web is getting kind of old.i don't like it anymore.Tell me if you can think of a name for my blog!

RQ- What should I rename my blog???

Ps sorry that it isn't a very good RQ i couldn't think of any other questions!
here is another RQ

2RQ-IF it is true practice makes perfect,but nobody is prefect why bother practicing?

Cool Picture!!

I just made an awesome picture on paint!!Here it is!

ps if you are wondering why i am typing in the largest font there it is because i like big stuff for example I like elephants because they are big!!Go elephants!

RQ-Why is the sky blue?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yesterday i had the WEIRDEST fruit i have ever tried!!!! It was called a kiwano!here is a website on how to eat a kiwano! it taste like cucumber flavored jello with seeds inside of it!!
this is a mango my mom cut. Isn't it awesome?
RQ- What is the weather like right now?