Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Late Christmas!

I know I said I would post my ornaments but I gave most of them away as Christmas presents. I still have 4 or 5 left I will post those later. I have been very busy lately, on Christmas I was busy relaxing and not doing anything. Then we had a delicious dinner (turkey) Then over the weekend I had a lot of things to do. Yesterday we went skiing then we went out to dinner.
Today my Grandma, aunts and uncle came and we celebrated Christmas with them. We had lobster and crab legs.I miss Steve the lobster :(

I got some exciting new Christmas presents! I got a digital camera. It is very nice. There is a setting where if you smile it takes your picture. It also knows if someone blinked in the picture.
We also got a new computer I am using it right now! It is a Mac computer! I love it!
My mom got a 3D puzzle of the globe and I helped her make it. It was a lot of fun making it with her. I will put a picture of it.

p.s It finally snowed I was so happy but today it was 40 degrees outside and it all melted! :(

RQ- What is your favorite thing about winter?

1 comment:

  1. RQA: Snow! But it has it's pros and cons. Pro: It's snow! Con: It's free-ee-zzing!!!!

    Can't belive winter vaca is almost over! I got a paint set and a Kindle!!! Ahh! I love it!!!!!
